Nilufer Hatun (Princess Holofira) Role in Ottoman Empire - Full Real History

Nilufer Hatun (Holofira) Full Real History 

Nilufer Hatun (Princess Holofira) Role in Ottoman Empire - Full Real History.  History is full of Ottoman kings' and queens stories. Every single character belonging to this great state is important. Centuries have passed since then but these characters are still alive in the hearts of the fans. And they are interested in learning about their lives. Now, who knew that the princess who grew up in the Byzantine castle would give birth to the great sultan of the future. And the mother will get a high status like Sultan.

Sultan, the first mother of the Ottoman Empire, was once a Byzantine princess. You may be surprised to hear this. but this story is interesting In today's article we will talk about the Holofira hatun who appeared in history as the daughter of Yarhisar's Governer. We know Nilufer hatun as the wife of the great Orhan Ghazi and the mother of Sultan Murad I. Nilufer Hatun (Princess Holofira) Role in Ottoman Empire - Full Real History

Nilufer hatun's real name was Holofira hatun. According to Asikpasazade, the great historian of the Ottoman Empire, Nilufer hatun was the daughter of the governor of Yarhisar. Also named Holophira and Olivera. Holofira was his Byzantine name. And after becoming a Muslim, she was named Nilufer hatun. There are no events in history that shed light on his early life. It is said that his mother died in Nilufer's infancy.

Nilufer Hatun (Princess Holofira)

But the real story of Holofira begins when the Ottomans conquer the great Byzantine fortress Belcik. This event is recorded in great detail in history. And that's where the role of Holofira came in. The good news is that Helofira's father decided to marry his daughter to the Belcik governor in order to mend his ways. In some cases, Holofira is said to have been engaged with the governor of Belcik.

However, some reports indicate that she was going to marry the son of the Governor of Belcik. Well, the matter is quite complicated. And historians do not agree on a single story. But it is clear that when the Byzantine governors planned to assassinate Osman Bey by inviting him to a wedding party. Which failed with the help of Koshi Mihal. On the contrary, as a result, Osman Bey conquered these two great Byzantine forts, Belcik and Yarhissar. Nilufer Hatun (Princess Holofira) Role in Ottoman Empire - Full Real History

And brought their governors to their end. It is said that they brought Holofira from there as booty. And she was married to Orhan Ghazi. It is recorded in many books of Ottoman history. But no Byzantine historian mentions this event. The princess, who became a prisoner after the war, had a bright future. And gave birth to Orhan Ghazi's sons. Nilufer was the first Byzantine woman to become part of the Ottoman family.

It is clearly recorded in history that Nilufer hatun was the mother of Sultan Murad I. Some incidents have been written after this which makes it clear that. Kasim was also a son of Orhan Ghazi and Nilufer hatun. Who died at a young age. Now there is a slight contradiction about the mother of Orhan Ghazi's son Suleyman Pasha.

Princess Holofira Actress of Kurulus Osman Series

But strong evidence proves that he too was the son of Nilufer hatun. He was the first child of Orhan Ghazi and Nilufer hatun. Suleiman Pasha was about ten years older than Murad I. However, the details of the marriage of Orhan Ghazi and Nilufer hatun are not available. But according to some traditions, after the conquest of the Byzantine castles of Belcik and Yarhisar, the Byzantine princess Nelufira was taken by Osmani with her.

After which a splendid wedding was arranged in the Byzantine castle Karachaisar. And Princess Holofira married Orhan Gazi. It was at this point that she became a Muslim and her name was changed to Nilufer hatun. Ibn Battuta also mentions Nilufer hatun in his book. He also said that he had personally met Nilufer that. He writes about the Nilufer woman that she was the special woman of Orhan Ghazi. Nilufer Hatun (Princess Holofira) Role in Ottoman Empire - Full Real History

Ibn Battuta also introduces her as a Beylun woman. Exactly the same name is mentioned in Iznik's kitchen where she used to prepare food for the poor. Now Batuta wrote that Nilufer hatun had not spent most of her life in Bursa with Orhan Ghazi. On the contrary, Oran Ghazi was busy with his great conquests. Nilufer hatun took an active part in the welfare work. And during that time she lived in Iznik.

History of Nilufer Hatun (Princess Holofira)

But some narrations state that after this distance she went to their harem with Orhan Ghazi. He also spent time with his other wives. Ibn Battuta himself wrote that Orhan Ghazi's wife was living in this dilapidated city of Iznik. But many of the Sultan's servants were subordinate to this virtuous woman. Ibn Battuta was staying with Haji Allauddin as a guest. He also went with them to meet this great queen.

Which was very famous for its kindness. She also worked as a judge in the same area. Ibn Battuta added that while he was there, Great Orhan Ghazi also visited his wife. The Nilufer woman is said to have been very interested in charity and philanthropy. The famous historian Asikpasazade has described his deeds very well. He writes that Nilufer hatun had built a bridge over the river on the way to Bursa.

Monasteries were also built for the dervishes. A mosque was also built in Bursa. The kitchen built by Nilufer hatun to feed the poor is called Zaviy-i-Nilufar Hatun. There were also many servants of this charity who became very famous. And he was counted among the great servants of the state. Despite being the mother of a great kingdom, the Nilufer woman lived a very simple life.

Who Was Nilufer Hatun (Princess Holofira)

His son Murad I also built a high-rise building in Iznik in his mother's name in his honor. Nilufer hatun had done many good deeds in her life. A town in Bursa was also named after Nilufer hatun. Nilufer hatun, whose story begins as a Byzantine princess and ends as an Ottoman queen. Her life was very interesting. Nilufer is the first mother of the Ottoman Empire. Whose youngest son Murad I became the ruler of the Ottoman state. Nilufer Hatun (Princess Holofira) Role in Ottoman Empire - Full Real History

Suleyman Pasha, their eldest son, died in his youth after falling from a horse. Now you will wonder why the teachers were not written according to the birth of Nilufer hatun. We told you that she was a Byzantine princess. Which came to prominence in Ottoman history when they were married to Orhan Bey. However, Western historians have not written anything about him. Therefore, according to what is said to be his historical birth, there is no evidence. These are just estimates.

Well, it is said that she was born in 1283. According to some traditions, she was much older than Orhan Ghazi. While there is no specific information according to their birth, it is a bit difficult to confirm their birth. But it is written about her death that she passed away in this world in 1383. And at that time he was considered to be about 99 or 100 years old. Nilufer Khatun is buried in Bursa near Orhan Ghazi.

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