Ottoman Sultan Orhan Gazi (Full Real History)

Ottoman Sultan Orhan Gazi Full Real History

You have all seen and heard many stories of thrones. But the story of the Great Ottoman Empire is like a shining diamond. Which attracts everyone's attention. An empire that ruled for six hundred years and revolutionized the Muslim world. It was not easy to lay the groundwork. Nor was maintaining the glory of the empire a child's play. Many rulers worked tirelessly for this great cause. Ottoman Sultan Orhan Gazi Full Real History
The history of this great empire was initially transmitted orally. And then it was turned into a book. Thus, this history was penned after a long time. But it is still fresh in the hearts of fans. And of special importance. Many series were presented on many sultans and queens of the Ottoman Empire. He was mentioned in many Muslim and non-Muslim projects. But this is not a story that will be completed in a few pages.
Writing deeds of this great state can fill the pages. But their stories will not end. You may have heard many stories about the beauty and glory of royal families. But Turkish Industry Challenges Showbiz Industry Around the World by starting the story of shepherd Ertuğrul Gazi. Since then, everyone has known better about the Ottoman Empire. And who sowed the seeds of this great kingdom? You all know very well.
At first, everyone knew Murad I as the first Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. But now things are different. The series, which started with Suleiman Shah and Ertuğrul Ghazi, has been imprinted in the minds of fans. Everyone is interested in Osman Ghazi's son Orhan Ghazi. Fans have been familiar with Ertuğrul Ghazi and Osman Ghazi since the release of the Turkish series.

Who Was Orhan Gazi?

Today's article will shed light on his life situation. An invaluable diamond of the Ottoman Empire whose story of bravery is written in golden letters in history. Following in the footsteps of Osman Ghazi's heir Orhan Gazi gave a new direction to the Muslim world. His conquests and achievements are innumerable. We will talk about his life in perfect order. Orhan Ghazi is also called Orhan Bey.

He was born in Söğüt in 1281. Historians do not agree on the date of his birth. But according to most references, the birth Date was written in 1281. There is a disagreement that he was the eldest son of Osman Bey. Or he was his second child. In strong traditions, he was their first child. And the same is shown in the Turkish series Kuruluş Osman. Its golden age was from 1324 to 1362.

There is considerable historical controversy over these early leaders. Who was given the title of Sultan for the first time in the Ottoman Empire? It is believed that Sultan Murad I was the first to receive the title of Ottoman Sultan. While in different traditions the title of Sultan was used for Orhan Ghazi. And he was called Sultan I Azam Orhan Bey. And the same name was written on the coin of that time.

In addition to this, Sultan Orhan was also inscribed on its seal. While Ibn Batuta had declared the first Sultan Osman Ghazi. Ibn Battuta wrote of Orhan Ghazi that he was the richest of the great Turkish kings in army and land. According to Menakib-i Orhani, in modern history, after much disagreement, Orhan was born in 1281. And he was eighty years old. While there was a huge disagreement on his birth. Ottoman Sultan Orhan Gazi Full Real History

Everyone Wants To Know About Orhan Ghazi

In addition, there are different opinions about his mother. But the argument of all of them was that Orhan Ghazi was the first child of Osman Ghazi, the founder of the Ottoman Empire, and Malhun Hatun. He is remembered as a compassionate ruler. Orhan Ghazi was a charming ruler with long blonde hair, tall heightened, and blue eyes. Which the people loved very much. And the scholars also respected him very much.

He is said to have mingled with most people. And listened to their worries. And there is no specific information about Orhan Ghazi's childhood and boyhood. It is unknown at this time how he was brought up, and how he was educated. Or he was illiterate. Nothing can be said about it. It was then mentioned for the first time in Ottoman history. When he married Nilüfer Hatun, the daughter of the governor of Yarhisar.

This was around 1298. It was also mentioned in the conquest of Kopruhisar in 1300. And then it was assigned to the borderlands of Karacahisar. Osman Ghazi gave his son the leadership of the army in the area. And since then he has been involved in various wars with his father. And in the history of Orhan Ghazi, there are differences step by step. But we will tell you all the details in every aspect.

After that, let's talk about taking over the legacy of Osman Ghazi. So there is a lot of disagreement among historians. Many non-Muslims also spent their time on the history of the Ottoman Empire. Byzantine historian Laonikos Halkokondiles wrote without any argument. That is when Orhan Ghazi's father died. So he gathered his army from Uludağ and defeated his brothers. And got the head.

Who was Bey after Osman?

According to the Ottoman historian Ibn I Kemal. But after all this, according to the great historians of the Ottoman Empire. Asikpasazade, Oruç Bey, and Nasri, after the death of Osman Ghazi in 1323-24, his children convened a council according to the Ottoman traditions and customs. And in this council, 
Orhan Ghazi suggested that his brother Allauddin be given the leadership.

Allauddin denied the allegations, saying his brother's bravery and military prowess were important. He should be considered worthy of this leadership seat. Orhan Bey then, according to tradition, offered his brother an equal share of the emerging kingdom. Allauddin denied that his father had nominated Orhan Ghazi as his successor. And that the empire should not be divided.

After which Orhan was declared entitled to no seat. And took over the leadership of the Ottomans.  But he asked his brother Allauddin to stay here as his minister. Which he accepted. We will also talk about his services during the Orhan Ghazi era. But speaking of the time of this incident, when the first coin in the name of Orhan Ghazi was issued. It has Islamic history 724 and the month of Rabi-ul-Awal.

That is, it was 1324. Proof that when Orhan sat on the throne. After becoming the ruler of the Ottomans, he received many wonderful titles. He was also called Sucaeddin, ihtiyareddin and Seyfeddin. Orhan Ghazi was the first Ottoman ruler to be named Tugra. Tugra was actually those words of calligraphy. The manner in which the name of the sultan or ruler was written.

Orhan Gazi was the second bey of the Ottoman

According to the Oğuz dialect and tradition, the print signature of the ruler was called Tugra. Orhan Ghazi really deserved all these praises. He started such a great series of victories in his time. Which became faster with each passing day. His brother Allauddin has also rendered invaluable services in this regard. In the early days, he paid close attention to the Ottoman army.

And in the first few years of the reign of Orhan Ghazi, he achieved many victories in Anatolia. Initially, he paid taxes to the IlKhani state, like other Anatolian tribes. But in the meantime, he launched a barrage of attacks on the Byzantines. And the power of the Ottomans continued to grow. Orhan Ghazi conquered Mudanya in 1321. And extend your rule to the shores of Marmara.

He also built a mosque named after him in Gebze, the largest city of Marmara, in 1323. Ghazi commanders piled up victories from 1321 to 1326. The Ottoman Empire began to expand rapidly to distant borders. The invaders achieved great victories which are recorded in the golden pages of history. Konur Alp turned to the western Black Sea region. Akcakoca won victories in Izmit.

And Abdul Rahman Ghazi waved his flag over areas like Yalova, Mudurnu, Armenipazarı, Kandıra and Samandıra. His next target was Bursa. Which was also the dream of Osman Ghazi. The victory of the year was also the dream of the great Osman Ghazi. Orhan Ghazi started stepping towards it. This was about 1326. When Orhan Ghazi prepared for the siege of Bursa. The story of Bursa's victory is interesting. Ottoman Sultan Orhan Gazi Full Real History

Orhan Gazi 2nd Ruler of The Ottoman Empire

After the great victories of the Ghazi commanders, the next target of Orhan Ghazi was Bursa. Which was the center of the region. But its siege first required control of the surrounding area.  Therefore, the fortress of Adranos, located in the mountains south of Bursa, was conquered. Which was later renamed Orhanlı. The army headquarters was then set up in the Pınarbaşı area for the siege of Bursa.

But there was no need for a fierce battle or attack. This siege involved many brave Ghazi commanders. But Osman Ghazi's friend Köşe Mihal played an important role here.  Because he was also the governor of the Byzantine castle Harmankaya. So he talked to Evranos, the governor of Bursa. And the issue was resolved through diplomatic talks. Governor Evranos surrenders. And handed over the fort to Orhan Ghazi. Ottoman Sultan Orhan Gazi Full Real History

It does not end there. The most interesting part of this incident was that after Köşe Mihal, Evranos Bey also joined the Ottoman ranks. It is said of Evranos, the commander of Bursa Castle. He became the commander of the Ottoman cavalry. His descendants even helped the Ottomans conquer and occupy many parts of the Balkans. Evranos is also said to have been the second big Byzantine governor after Köşe Mihal.

He became a Muslim and was seen fighting for Orhan Ghazi. According to many traditions, the year of the conquest of Bursa was April 1326. But according to some coins issued in the name of Orhan Ghazi in Bursa. Explain the history before that. Finally, after this victory, Orhan Ghazi declared Bursa as his capital. After this conquest, he handed it over to his son Murad I. 

Orhan Gazi Real Founder Ottoman empire

In a short time, the conquests of Orhan Ghazi began to be discussed all over the world. Over the next few years, Orhan Ghazi, along with his experienced Ghazi commanders, advanced on the Kocaeli area. He conquered the forts of Kartal and Aydos here. At the same time, Orhan Ghazi sent his cavalry with Evranos to the Bosphorus. Who occupied the coastal towns of Marmara. It is said that Ottoman cavalry was seen on the shores of the Bosphorus at that time. In May 1329, the Byzantine emperor III.

Andronikos and his advisers marched on Kocaeli with 2,000 mercenaries. At that time Orhan Ghazi was under siege of Izmit. As soon as this news was received, Orhan Ghazi reached Darıca with his army. And here, for the first time, Byzantine and Ottoman troops came face to face on June 11, 1329, at the Battle of Palekanon. In this war, the Byzantines were defeated by the Ottoman army III. Andronikos was injured. But he ran away. Andronikos' plan to recapture Byzantine lands in Anatolia was thwarted here.

And Orhan Ghazi told them that the Byzantines did not dare to do such a thing again. The Byzantines now had to think a thousand times before looking at the lands conquered by the Turks. The second-largest city in the Byzantine Empire after Constantinople was İznik(Nicea. Orhan Ghazi continued its siege for three years. After which, Orhan Ghazi conquered it without any bloody battle. And the enemies surrendered. The siege ended in 1331.

What did Orhan do for the Ottoman Empire?

After which the reconstruction work was started here. And the process of transforming Iznik into an Islamic city began. In a very short time, Nicea became the center of Ottoman culture, trade, and art. Orhan Ghazi converted the Great Church of Iznik into a mosque and the Christian monastery into a madrasah. In addition, Orhan Ghazi's first wife, Nilüfer Hatun, made special arrangements to feed the poor here.

Süleyman Pasha, the son of Orhan Ghazi, also built a madrassa here. Orhan Ghazi snatched Iznik from the Byzantines and gave them a great shock. And there, while the construction activities of Iznik were going on. So Kara Timurtaş Paşa annexed the Marmara coasts of Gemlik and Armutlu to the Ottoman frontier. The incident of Izmit after that is also very important. Izmit was once the capital of the ancient Roman Empire. Ottoman Sultan Orhan Gazi Full Real History

The siege continued for six years on the orders of Orhan Ghazi. And then in 1337, it was finally captured. Because the Byzantines could no longer resist. Byzantine Princess Marika Paleialogos had stepped back. When the Ottoman army conquered Izmit. So it was given to Süleyman Paşa. Who was in charge of all the operations of this siege? After the capture of Üsküdar in 1338, most of northwestern Anatolia fell to the Ottomans.

The Byzantines now controlled small coastal towns. But since they were so scattered. Therefore, they were not a threat to the Ottomans. The Byzantine emperor III. Andronikos, on the other hand, offered a peace treaty to Orhan Ghazi after all these conquests. He said that their remaining lands in Bithynia should not be attacked. In return, he would pay the Ottomans 12,000 Byzantine gold coins a year.

He was also a great leader

Orhan Ghazi accepted it. Because now he thought there was no special place left. Which he conquered Then, in 1345, Orhan Ghazi turned to a Turkish territory instead of acquiring land from non-Muslims. The Ottomans had some rules for occupying Muslim territory. The purpose of occupying this area was peace. And for that victory there had to be a special reason. Circumstances were such that Karesi was Turkish territory.
Its rulers and inhabitants were also Turks. When its ruler died. So his two sons were Dursun Bey and Demirhan Bey. Because both were claimants to the rule. So there was a fierce battle between their armed supporters. And this was the justification for Orhan Ghazi's attack here. That they are compelled to take such a step for peace in the region. After being attacked by Ottoman troops, the two brothers fled to their capital, Pergamum.
Dursun was killed and Demirhan was captured. After this conquest, Pergamum and the area around Balıkesir also came under the control of Orhan Ghazi. With the conquest of Karesi, almost the whole of northwestern Anatolia became part of the Ottoman Empire. And these four major areas are Bursa, Izmit, Iznik, and Pergamum, which speak volumes about the power of Orhan Ghazi.
Twenty years have passed since the acquisition of Karesi. During this time, Orhan Ghazi continued to focus on military institutions and internal discipline, as advised by his brother Allauddin. Build mosques and schools. During this period no other victory was achieved except Ankara. The only purpose of which was the commercial and religious freedom of Ahis here. And then there were the friendly relations with Emperor III.Andronikos Palaeologus. Which was defeated in the battle of Pelekanon. Ottoman Sultan Orhan Gazi Full Real History

Orhan Ghazi was a brave & Fearless and religious Ruler

Then, in 1346, Emperor John Kantacuzenos recognized Orhan as the most powerful ruler of the Turks. And wanted to attach the Ottoman army to his interests. A strong relationship developed between the two rulers. The emperor had his daughter, Theodora Hatun, married to Orhan Ghazi. The details of which are very splendid. In short, this marriage will last for three days and nights.
Bring 30 boats, Orhan Ghazi, to the wedding venue Salymbria. And come back and leave. The strong alliance between the two states then deteriorated. When Turkmen migrants crossed the Marmara Sea. And returned to some towns there. The Byzantines also had to use a large army to stop these raids. In addition, the emperor's son and Orhan Ghazi's son Süleyman Paşa also disagreed several times.
When they collide for victory. Süleyman Paşa exploits will be described in another article. After the breakup of this alliance, Süleyman Paşa conquered many Byzantine territories at the behest of his father. Süleyman Paşa spent time as governor in the Ottoman lands of Romeli. One day he fell off a horse while hunting and died. This was the period of 1357. After the death of Süleyman Paşa, Murad Bey took over this responsibility.
Orhan Ghazi was a shining star of the Ottoman Empire. He saw the golden age. He spent his last days in Bursa. And at that time he gave most of his powers to his son Murad I. Orhan Ghazi who loved his most experienced and his successor son Süleyman Paşa very much. His death shocked Orhan Ghazi. And it is said that because of this grief, after the death of his son Orhan Ghazi died in 1362.
He ruled for 36 years in the Ottoman Empire. And died at the age of 80. His mausoleum is present in Bursa with his family. How do you like the story of this great Islamic leader. Comment one line in the comment box. Share the article. It's enough for today's article. We'll back with the outstanding history of another Character. See you soon!
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