Barbaroslar Episode 23 Season 1 With Urdu & English Subtitles
Barbaroslar Episode 23 Season 1 With Urdu & English Subtitles
Watch or download free Barbaroslar Episode 23 Season 1 with Urdu and English Subtitles. In former occasion, Pablo began assaulting with his dogfaces to kill Khizir. Sahsenem helped Khizir and saved his life. While Gabriel was taking Oruj to Modon, he said that he'd avenge for his pater, who was killed different before times him.
Pasha observed that Oruj did not go to the court in Gelibolu and was exceptionally furious. Khizir said that Gabriel gripped Oruj, at this point he was unfit to convert Pasha. Meryem battled with Sahsenem and said that she do n’t trust her. Piri said that the Ottoman Empire should help with Oruj, yet Pasha said that commodity like this could noway do.
Gabriel went to Kelemez following to plaguing Oruj and Antuan for a unexpectedly long time. Gabriel said he'd gotten Oruj and needed the line as a concession for his life. Khizir denied this plan. Khizir coordinated to go to Modon, still Gabriel exploded all the Turkish boats. Barbaroslar Episode 23 Season 1 With Urdu & English SubtitlesBarbaroslar Season 1 Episode 23 Release Date
- Series Name: Barbaroslar - Barbarossa
- Language: Turkish With Urdu & English Subtitles
- Season: 1
- Episode: 23
- Release Date: 31 March 2022
Khizir substantiated that Ilyas safeguard Kelemez and inconspicuously set out for Modon with a many hearties. That evening, an exceptional fire broke out in the storeroom in Kelemez. Pasha said that the islet needed another watchman after this fire and substantiated that Ilyas take this errand.
Khizir lifted the Venetian flag on his boat and fired setting up the snares in general. After what Firuze said, Isabel observed that Ilyas is the new doorkeeper. Meryem and Huma began engaging with Ilyas. After Khizir exploded the Venetian boats, he went looking for Oruj in Modon. Pasha said Khizir has gone to Modon and Oruj would pass on as a result of him. After what Pasha said, Ilyas was extremely alarmed and acceded to return the maritime power.
Gabriel went to Kelemez and recovered the maritime power from Ilyas, yet did n’t hand Oruj over to him. Pablo got a piece of Khizir’s soldiers and said he'd kill everybody. Oruj saw what Ilyas had done and said he presented a bumble.Barbaroslar Episode 24 Urdu Subtitles Full HD
Barbaroslar Episode 24 English Subtitles Full HD
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